1. Why we need faith
We need faith because our world is full of death.
And so are we. Each one of us will die. So will each nation. Many individuals and nations will also kill. Our world has always been a world at war with itself, because it has been at war with God.“We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves.And we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God” (Thomas Merton).
Human nature does not change.Today we live in what the Vicar of Christ has called “the culture of death,” a culture that kills children before birth and kills childhood after birth, kills innocence and faithfulness and families.
What is the answer to this culture of death?
Faith.The Catholic Faith is the answer.
Faith in the God who has not left us in the dark but has revealed himself as our Creator; who, out of his love, designed us for a life of love, in this world and in the next.
Faith in the Gospel, the Good News of the man who said he was God come down from heaven to die on the Cross to save us from sin and to rise from the grave to save us from death.
Faith in the Church he left us as his visible body on earth, empowered by his Spirit, authorized to teach in his name,with his authority:to invite us to believe the truth of his Gospel, to live the life of his love, and to celebrate the sacraments of his presence.
This Church is our only sure and certain light in this beautiful but broken world.
Faith is the answer to fear. Deep down we are all afraid: of suffering, or of dying, or of God’s judgment, or of the unknown, or of weakness, or of our lives’ slipping out of our control, or of not being understood and loved. We sin because we fear.We bully because we are cowards.
Faith casts out fear,as light casts out darkness.God has shone his light into our world, and it is stronger than darkness (Jn 1:5).
That light is Jesus Christ.