Sunday, February 24, 2008

What Catholics Believe

Listen to or download the first 10 lessons in the Luke E. Hart Series. Topics in lessons 1-10 deal with matters like faith, God, Jesus Christ and the Resurrection of the body.

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Faith: Lesson 1 June 21, 2007

This is the first of 30 lessons based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, offered by the Catholic Information Service. Written by Peter Kreeft this first lesson, on Faith, gives a basic understanding of the relationship between faith and reason, faith and authority, and faith and the Church. If you want to put your faith in action, it’s a good idea to know what the Church teaches about faith. Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing this week’s music.

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God: Lesson 2 June 28, 2007

Atheists deny God’s existence. Mystics experience God directly. Saints are called friends of God. But how much can we, finite human beings, really know about Him, the infinite, omnipotent God? Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing this week’s music.

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Creation: Lesson 3 July 6, 2007

The doctrine of creation is sometimes seen in the headlines as a controversy about what to teach our children in school. But news stories don’t report the depths and the beauty of this distinctive Christian doctrine. In this lesson on Creation, the evolution and creation controversies are addressed, and so are the fundamental distinctions between God and the world. Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing this week’s music.

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The Human Person: Lesson 4 July 12, 2007

To learn the Catholic faith well, not only do we have to understand something about God, but we also need to understand something about our human need as men and women created by God. Our understanding of the human person will affect our understanding of the great questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my purpose? What happens after I die? This lesson of the will provide an overview of the Catholic understanding of the human person. Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing this week’s music.

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Jesus Christ: Lesson 5 July 19, 2007

Jesus is controversial. The Wikipedia article on Jesus is the fourth most revised article, which is evidence of the passionate debate that surrounds Him. Catholics believe that their Church is founded by Jesus, and faithfully preserves everything that Jesus taught. But there are some tough questions about Him: How can He be both God and Son of God? Why do Catholics have faith in His divinity? Why did God become man? Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing this week’s music.

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The Holy Spirit: Lesson 6 July 28, 2007

“It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you” (John 16:17). Jesus’ words reveal the Third Person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit, also called the Counselor, inspired the authors of sacred Scripture, and He enlightens us when we read it. The Holy Spirit teaches the saints, and He can teach you, too. Find out why it is better that Jesus went away and that the Holy Spirit has come to us, as well as the difference that the Holy Spirit makes in your life, in this lesson. Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing this week’s music.

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The Holy Catholic Church: Lesson 7 August 3, 2007

G. K. Chesterton once wrote, “It is impossible to be just to the Catholic Church. The moment men cease to pull against it they feel a tug towards it. The moment they cease to shout it down they begin to listen to it with pleasure. The moment they try to be fair to it they begin to be fond of it. But when that affection has passed a certain point it begins to take on the tragic and menacing grandeur of a great love affair.” This lesson focuses specifically on the Catholic Church, where it came from, what it is, and what is so unique about her. Learn about the infallibility of the Church, praying to saints, and why the Church is necessary for salvation. Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing the music.

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The Forgiveness of Sins: Lesson 8 August 16, 2007

There is nothing better than God. And sin separates us from God. Therefore, there is nothing worse than sin. But what exactly is sin? And how is sin forgiven? What is the difference between Catholic and Protestant teachings on this topic? Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing this week’s music.

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The Resurrection of the Body: Lesson 9 August 21, 2007

Developing a Christian understanding of death is more and more important today as we can rely on our culture less and less to transmit such an understanding to us. But we know that death is not the end. So let’s start with some basics: Why do we die? What happens at death? Is resurrection more than immortality? Why is resurrection part of God’s plan? And what does resurrection tell us about our bodies? Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing the music.

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The Life Everlasting: Lesson 10 August 30, 2007

Many people express a basic desire to live forever. The lyrics to some songs, like that of the movie “Fame,” also reveal an assumed connection between reputation and living forever. But the Christian teaching about everlasting life is much different from the originally pagan idea of fame as immortality. Thanks to the Saint Gregory Society for providing this week’s music.

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