Saturday, February 21, 2009

Audio Retreats

Here are three online retreats from Catholics On Call:

It is our hope that these online retreats will help you to deepen your connection with Christ.

Called and Sent

Called and Sent is the five-part online retreat for the Summer of 2008. Each of the five sections will include a reflection on a Scripture passage and some recommendations for personal prayer and reflection. We will look at five biblical stories of call in order to examine various dimensions of vocation. This retreat is offered to everyone who wishes to enter into the mystery of their own vocation in life a little more deeply. Those who are considering a call to lay ministry, religious life, or priesthood may find it particularly pertinent to their questions and concerns. The retreat can be made over a period of five days or, if one’s schedule does not permit that, over a longer time span.

Podcasts of the invidual days are available. Simply click on the individual days and continue to the podcast link.

Called and Sent, Day One
Called and Sent, Day Two
Called and Sent, Day Three
Called and Sent, Day Four
Called and Sent, Day Five

The Lord's Prayer: A Spirituality of Discipleship

The prayer that Jesus taught his disciples is more than simply a prayer. It embodies a spirituality for those who wish to follow the Lord. Through the centuries famous Christian theologians and spiritual writers have commented on the Lord’s Prayer and used it as a framework for articulating Christian spirituality. In these four weeks of retreat, we will reflect upon various dimensions of this prayer as we seek to deepen our relationship with Christ.

First week: "Our Father Who are in Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name"
Second week: "Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done"
Third week: "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"
Fourth week: "Forgive Us Our Trespasses, As We Forgive Those Who Tresspass Against Us"

Gazing on the Face of Christ

First posted in July 2006, this retreat is designed to help you focus on your understanding of the person of Jesus and your relationship with him. This is a “back to basics” theme that takes us right to the heart of our Catholic Christian faith. It is also a very rich theme with great potential to move us into prayerful dialogue with the Lord.

The word “gazing” is used to connote an attitude, a stance, of contemplation. Some years ago, Fr. William McNamara, a Discalced Carmelite author, described “contemplation” in this way: contemplation is “a long, loving look at the Real.” During these next four weeks, you are invited to take a long, loving look at the reality of Christ. In faith, we know this Jesus to be “real” with a capital “R”.

Click on the link for each week’s talk and reflection questions:

First Week—Christ Crucified: Compassion Poured Out
Second Week—Building Friendship with Christ
Third Week—Christ the Bread of Life
Fourth WeekChrist the Good Samaritan