Saturday, February 21, 2009


As we imitate Jesus' 40-day fast and prepare to renew our baptismal promises on Easter Sunday, the Lord calls us to intensify our reading of His word. In this Lent, I invite you to ask for and accept the grace to read through all the prophets of the Old Testament except Isaiah. (We encourage you to read the prophet, Isaiah, during Advent). The following arrangement will help you. As you read the Lord's prophetic word, you will repent deeply and have the springtime of your life in the Spirit.

Ash Wednesday
   Jeremiah 1:1—4:31
Thurs. after Ash Wed. Jer. 5:1—8:23
Fri. after Ash Wed. Jer. 9:1—12:17
Sat. after Ash Wed. Jer. 13:1—16:21
First Sunday of Lent Jer. 17:1—20:18
Mon. of 1st week of Lent Jer. 21:1—24:10
Tues. of 1st week of Lent Jer. 25:1—29:23
Wed. of 1st week of Lent Jer. 29:24—33:26
Thurs. of 1st week of Lent Jer. 34:1—37:21
Fri. of 1st week of Lent Jer. 38:1—45:5
Sat. of 1st week of Lent Jer. 46:1—49:39
Second Sunday of Lent Jer. 50:1—52:34
Mon. of 2nd week of Lent Lamentations
Tues. of 2nd week of Lent Baruch
Wed. of 2nd week of Lent Ezekiel 1:1—6:14
Thurs. of 2nd week of Lent Ez. 7:1—12:28
Fri. of 2nd week of Lent Ez. 13:1—17:24
Sat. of 2nd week of Lent Ez. 18:1—21:37
Third Sunday of Lent Ez. 22:1—24:27
Mon. of 3rd week of Lent Ez. 25:1—29:16
Tues. of 3rd week of Lent Ez. 29:17—32:32
Wed. of 3rd week of Lent Ez. 33:1—37:28
Thurs. of 3rd week of Lent Ez. 38:1—42:20
Fri. of 3rd week of Lent Ez. 43:1—45:25
Sat. of 3rd week of Lent Ez. 46:1—48:35
Fourth Sunday of Lent Daniel 1:1—3:97
Mon. of 4th week of Lent Dn. 3:98—6:29
Tues. of 4th week of Lent Dn. 7:1—9:27
Wed. of 4th week of Lent Dn. 10:1—12:13
Thurs. of 4th week of Lent Dn. 13:1—14:42
Fri. of 4th week of Lent Hosea 1:1—4:19
Sat. of 4th week of Lent Hos. 5:1—9:9
Fifth Sunday of Lent Hos. 9-10—14:10
Mon. of 5th week of Lent Joel
Tues. of 5th week of Lent Amos 1:1-5, 6, 8-9
Wed. of 5th week of Lent Amos 5:7, 10—9:15
Thurs. of 5th week of Lent ObadiahJonah
Fri. of 5th week of Lent Micah 1:1—3:12
Sat. of 5th week of Lent Mi. 4:1—7:20
Palm (Passion) Sunday Zechariah 1:1—5:11
Mon. of Holy Week Zech. 6:1—11:3
Tues. of Holy Week Zech. 11-4—14:21
Wed. of Holy Week Malachi