Monday, February 18, 2008

John Martignoni

When you click the link, you will be prompted for your name / e-mail address at John Martignoni's site -- Truthfully, any combo will do but you might like the e-mail blasts he occasionally sends out so I encourage you to put in your actual e-mail. Once input, you will be automatically directed the next time you click one of the below links.

1. Apologetics for the Scripturally-Challenged - Basic apologetics strategies and techniques.
2. Apostolic Authority and the Pope - Biblical support for Pope and Apostollic Authority
3. Baptist Minister Becomes Priest - This is the conversion story of Fr. Gray Bean.
4. Catholics and the Bible - What the Church teaches regarding Biblical study and interpretation
5. Debate: Sola Fide (Are We Saved by Faith Alone?) - A debate on salvation between John Martignoni and Dr. James Saxon
6. Infant Baptism and Original Sin - How to defend the Church's teachings regarding Infant Baptism and Original Sin from the Bible.
7. Introduction to Apologetics - Prepare to discuss, defend, and share our Faith
8. Marriage & the Eucharist: The Two Shall Become One - Explore the parallels between these two sacraments
9. Mary & the Bible; plus Purgatory & the Bible - Learn the Biblical foundations to many Marian teachings of the Church
10. My Conversion Story - John's personal journey of Faith
11. Once Saved, Always Saved? - Learn how to defend against this false and dangerous doctrine
12. One Church - What the Bible says about the one true Church founded by Jesus
13. Sola Fide - Salvation By Faith Alone? - Using the Bible Alone to refute Salvation by Faith Alone
14. Sola Scriptura - The Bible Alone? - Does the Bible support "The Bible Alone"?
15. The Communion of Saints - Biblical foundations and explanations to common questions
16. The Rapture and the Bible - What will really happen on "The Last Day"
17. The Sacraments and the Bible - The Biblical foundations for three Sacraments
18. Two-Minute Apologetics - 19 different topics in short Q&A format.
19. Was Hitler Right? - This is an apologetic aimed at atheists and social liberals.
20. Which Came First, the Church or the Bible? - Discussion of the Bible and how it was authored by the Church