Monday, August 25, 2008


eXtra Mile 4

In a previous entry dated June 6, 2008 entitled OUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY... , I intimated the need for CATHOLIC EDUCATION, now the waiting is over.

Evangelization is a basic responsibility. We must teach the Faith and share it with our families, neighbors, and the entire world. This is the area where most of us fall flat on our faces.

Our culture does not look at the apostolic life as an essential responsibility that must be carried out by the laity. In many instances, people feel that catechesis and evangelization are the obligation of the priest and religious and that lay people can do it when they have time. 

Pope John Paul II has written so much for the laity. In his apostolic letter, Christifideles Laici (Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful People), His Holiness gave us a complete blueprint on what we, as lay members, should do and how we should do it. 

The Holy Father and the teachings of the Second Vatican Council make it very clear that we have no alternative—we must evangelize and catechize!  

More to come...