Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Why Family Catechesis?

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also"
Luke 12:34


I have this burning desire within me for years now and it only started to take shape only a couple of weeks back and now it is almost done. I think I've made enough noise now about the need to take Family Catechesis into every CFC homes - this is the right time to take this out-of-the-box and bring it to every Catholic homes! 

I am taking the initiative together with two other like-minded families who would take the eXtra-Mile for the Greater Glory of God! (XM-4-3G)

This is the responsiblity of the present moment: since parents have given children their life, they are bound by the most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognized as the primary and principal educators. Gravissimum Educationis, 3 (Declarationon Christian Education)

How can we do this? 

I got a big help from Pope Benedict XVI, here is what he has got to say...
"How can we do this? We cannot of course do it on our own. In the end, it is the Lord who helps us but we must be available as instruments. I would say simply: no one can give what he does not personally possess; in other words we cannot pass on the Holy Spirit effectively or make him perceptible to others unless we ourselves are close to him.

This is why I think that the most important thing is that we ourselves remain, so to speak, within the radius of the Holy Spirit's breath, in contact with him. Only if we are continually touched within by the Holy Spirit, if he dwells in us, will it be possible for us to pass him on to others.

Then He gives us the imagination and creative ideas about how to act, ideas that cannot be planned but are born from the situation itself, because it is there that the Holy Spirit is at work. Thus, the first point: we ourselves must remain within the radius of the Holy Spirit's breath." 

Again, here is what the Holy See said about taking the RESPONSIBILTY OF THE PRESENT MOMENT...

...subsequently gives rise to those initiatives that cannot be programmed: communities of prayer, communities that read the Bible together or that even provide effective help for people in need, who require it, who are on the margins of life, for the sick, for the disabled and many other things. This is when our eyes are opened to see our personal skills, to assume the corresponding initiatives and to be able to imbue others with the courage to do the same. And precisely these human things can strengthen us, in a certain way putting us in touch anew with God's Spirit."

We will do our very best to see this take off the ground as we make ourselves available to be instruments of the One we adore, our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST!

Please pray for us!

We are CFC taking the EXTRA MILE
For the Greater Glory of God!

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