Sunday, November 7, 2010

5 Ways to Help Families Make Prayer a Priority

The hectic pace of family life can often mean that prayer gets lost in the shuffle. Here are five simple, practical tips to encourage families to pray more often:

  1. When you rise from bed, get down on your knees
    Try this method for morning prayer: Put your bedroom slippers or shoes far under your bed at the end of the day. Each morning, while on your knees retrieving your footwear, say a quick prayer offering the whole day to God.

  2. Communicate with God whenever you climb into the car
    Many families spend a whole lot of their time in the family vehicle. As you buckle up, say a quick prayer that you will be aware of God’s presence in your day.

  3. Place a prayer jar in the kitchen
    Keep a jar in the kitchen in which each family member, each day, places a note listing a “special intention” that others in the family can pray for. Before each family member goes to bed, he or she pulls a note from the jar and prays for that need.

  4. Fold your hands before you unfold your napkin
    Before each meal, take a few moments to thank the One who provides all that you need and blesses you with the lives of those around the table. Try mixing up rote prayers with spontaneous prayers, silent prayers with sung prayers.

  5. Pray when people or events upset you
    If you want a sure-fire way to pray more each day, make a habit of saying a short prayer whenever someone irritates you. A quick “Help me, God” is sufficient. You’ll never run out of opportunities!