Saturday, November 27, 2010

CFC's Official Stand on the Reproductive Health Bill

Dear brothers and sisters,

Attached is a paper issued by our CFC International Council regarding our community's position on the Reproductive Health Bill. As a community that is "moved by the Holy Spirit, one with the Catholic Church, and richly blessed to witness to Christ's love and service," and with "Pro-Life" as one of our basic core values, it is incumbent upon all of us, CFC leaders and members, to take a united stand against this anti-life bill.

Please make the effort to disseminate to all your members, and to discuss among yourselves, particularly on how we, collectively and as individuals, can proclaim our being followers of Christ through our pro-life position.

As one community, let us pray for our nation and for our leaders, that they may be enlightened about the value of life. Let us pray that evil does not prevail and that our children may be spared from the gathering forces of darkness that threaten our very society.

May God bless us all.