For the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Jesus, Living Bread which came down from heaven .... have mercy on us.
Holy Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass
- Faith and the Eucharist
- The Makeup of the Eucharist in Other Catholic Rites
- Symbolism in Jn 6
- What's This "Holy Communion" that You Speak Of?
- "Unless You Become Like Children...."
- "Bread" and "Wine" or Something More?
- Profaning Communion for the Sake of "Communion": Parts One -- Two
- The Experience of the Lord's Supper in Protestant Churches
- Real Presence vs. "Do This in Memory of Me"
- On Proper Behavior in an Adoration Chapel
- What Are the Effects of the Eucharist?
- On Transubstantiation and the Real Presence: Parts One -- Two
- Eight Key Points, Part 2: Interactive Liturgy
- Debate with "Briguy" on the Real Presence: Parts One -- Two -- Three
- The "Once for All" Sacrifice of Christ
- The Mass and the Forgiveness of Sins
- Bowing During the Creed