In Honor of Trinity Sunday
Since today is Trinity Sunday, I thought I would repost my Topical Index page on our Triune God. I pray this will prove a worthy offering. Have a blessed Sunday!
Pax Christi,
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Our Triune God
Jesus Christ
Pax Christi,
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- How Many Times Does God Forgive?
- Can God Be Hateful?
- The Truth about Religion: Parts One -- Two
- God and Science: Parts One -- Two
- Creation and Evil
- Worshipping the Holy Spirit
- On Various Kinds of Tongues
- On the Inner Life of the Trinity
- God's Will and Our Rejection of Him
- What Is Trinitarian Procession?
- Sinning Against the Holy Spirit: Parts One --Two
Jesus Christ
- The Body and Soul of Christ: Parts One --Two
- Jesus in Hell: Parts One -- Two -- Three -- 4a -- 4b
- "My Hour Has Not Yet Come": Did Jesus Rebuke Mary?
- The True Nature of Jesus and His Church
- Is Jesus the Symbol of God?
- "Haight"-ing God's Son: Parts One -- Two -- Three -- Four
- Christological Heresy and the Council of Chalcedon
- Jesus' Descent Into Hell: Debate (Parts One and Two) and Q&A
- Jesus: The Anointed Priest, Prophet, and King
- The Way of the Cross
- The "Once for All" Sacrifice of Christ
- Did Jesus Have Brothers?
- Did Christ Die for the Unforgiveable Sin?
- Is There Something Lacking in the Afflictions of Christ? A Look at Col 1:24-25: Parts One -- Two -- Three -- Four -- Five
- Jesus Christ and the Salvation of Non-Christians
- The Highs and the Lows of Christology
- Did the Catholic Church Kill Jesus?
- The Brothers of Jesus Don't Scare Me: Parts One -- Two