For God’s Children
Staten Islander Stephanie Cimino spent a month in sunny Sicily recently. But not working exclusively on her suntan or visiting historic ruins or vineyards. Instead, she volunteered to teach English to the mostly poor preschoolers at the Waldensian (Evangelical) school in Pachino, Sicily.
In addition to preparing them to learn more English later, Cimino helped the bright children learn songs, numbers, colors and animals’ names. In fact, they learned so quickly that they soon sang, “What’s your name?” to Cimino as she served them lunch. She also helped other teachers wipe noses, tie shoelaces, comfort crying children and serve snacks and lunch.
But it wasn’t all work and no play. There was time to worship with the community and for beach time, too.
Next vacation time, think how you can help God’s little ones and play, too.
Jesus... said to them, “Let the little children come to Me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. (Mark 10:14)
Bless, guide and protect children, Gentle Jesus, meek and mild.