Sunday, April 20, 2008


SOURCE: Love and Forgiveness


March 3, 2008.

Bro Joe Tale, along with Bishop Arguelles and Rouquel Ponte paid a visit to the Vatican on march 3, 2008 and met with Cardinal Rylko. They had, according to the Cardinal, a "dialogue."

March 11, 2008

...another letter was sent by the Cardinal to Bro Joe Tale, acknowledging a fax sent (I assume, in relation to and in deference to the Vatican's wishes), a recap of their dialogue, and to further clear up the Vatican's wishes. It was this letter that the ABS-CBN got their hands on and made available for download. I believe this letter was sent only to two parties, CFC/Joe Tale and Bishop Reyes, who the Cardinal said he furnished a copy to in his March 15 letter.

Cardinal Rylko's letter to Joe Tale

March 15, 2008

The Cardinal, presumably out of respect to the official spiritual adviser of CFC, notified Bishop Reyes of Bro Joe Tale's visit in a letter dated March 15, 2008.

March 15 Letter from Cardinal Rylko to Bishop Reyes

APRIL 3, 2008

That leads us now to this letter sent on April 3 by Bishop Reyes to Cardinal Rylko, apparently in response to the Cardinal's march 15 letter. There are many ways to look at this, but as I've refrained from giving my input earlier, I will allow you all to make up your own minds. I think it speaks for itself and the Bishop himself lets us know exactly where he stands in it.

April 3 letter from Bishop Reyes to Cardinal Rylko/The Vatican

Oh dear good Bishop.... [deep sigh]