Monday, June 1, 2009

IHS - June 2009




In June, we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a reminder of the most divine love of God, a heart crowned with thorns and bleeding with compassion and pity for all of us. The same heart burns with a deep desire to deliver us from our imprisonment to sin.

Thomas touched Christ's wounded side and came to believe. "My Lord and my God," he says in amazing faith.

We too touched the Sacred Heart, every time we waste great opportunities for loving that we are presented with each day. We too touch that Sacred Heart every time we hesitate to follow God's voice in dictates of our conscience, when we need to decide for God. We too touch the Sacred Heart, every time we doubt if God is with us, sees us, hears us, knows what we're going through, and feels what we feel - especially when burdened by life's crosses.

Our prayer is that as we touch His Sacred Heart, and feel the rush of His warm love, He will also cause us to believe.

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