Wednesday, May 20, 2009

THREE MINUTES A DAY - May 21, 2009

Facing Down the Green-Eyed Monster

      Jealousy and envy are sad emotions. 

      Nancy Kennedy told her husband about a book contract a colleague had signed, then complained about her own career. He reminded her that she was an accomplished author of several books and hundreds of articles and asked her what else she wanted.  

      “More,” she answered.

      Looking back on the incident later, Kennedy felt terrible. “It gets in God’s face and says, ‘All that you have graciously provided me is not enough,’” she realized.

      When we feel diminished by the possessions, opportunities or successes of others, we blind ourselves to the blessings in our lives. Instead of spending our time and energy comparing ourselves to others, we could be fulfilling our own potential.

      As John Wesley said, “To wish to be the person you aren’t is to waste the person you are.”

      Love the Lord your God with all your heart... soul... mind and... strength... love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. (Mark 12:30,31)

      Beloved Redeemer, help me call to mind the wondrous gifts with which you’ve blessed my life. Help me grow in gratitude.